My Projects
Project Title: Data Science Programming - Python
Project Description: This is a link to a repository that stores the five data science projects I worked on during my Intro to Data Science class. This is where my love for data science was born. A couple of the projects involved using some basic machine learning algorithms to make predictions. For each project we were given a scenario and several questions one might ask about the data that was provided. We were then responsible to wrangle and clean the data, then produce visualizations and answer the questions. The projects were done in Jupyter Notebooks and the code was written in Python.
Project Outcomes:
• Conducted data wrangling and analysis to answer complex questions,
employing basic machine learning algorithms for predictive insights
• Produced comprehensive visualizations to interpret data trends,
contributing to a deeper understanding of the datasets
Project Link: GitHub Repo
Project Title: CSV Processor - C++
Project Description: This project was started as a way for me to learn how to program in C++. This is the first project I wrote in C++. Another goal for this project was to further my understanding of working with CSV files for data science and machine learning purposes. This program essentially takes a CSV file and cleans up the code, making it easier to work with in a data science or machine learning project.
Project Link: GitHub Repo or Software Demo Video
Project Title: CSV Summary Generator - Java
Project Description: This was the first project I wrote in Java when I was learning the language. It was once again a way for me to learn a new language, but to learn it and apply it in a way that fit into the field I was pursuing. This program will take a CSV file and output some basic summaries about the data to a new file written in Markdown.
Project Link: GitHub Repo or Software Demo Video
Project Title: Cloud Database Web App - Python and Django
Project Description: This is a web app that I made using Python and Django. It is basically a console for accessing a cloud database I made for recording data about games of Among Us. I was watching a few streamers on Twitch play Among Us and was wondering about the stats of the games, such as who wins or loses the most, which roles are most successful, which roles get the most kills or are killed the most, etc. I had many questions that would be easy to answer if I could easily record the data from the games and later query it. So I built this web app to run CRUD statements from my browser in a web app.
Project Outcomes:
• Designed a cloud database to facilitate CRUD operations through a
web interface, allowing for easy data management and analysis of game
statistics from Among Us
• Analyzed gameplay data to uncover trends and insights, providing
valuable statistics on player roles and game outcomes
Project Link: GitHub Repo or Software Demo Video
Project Title: .NET Core Web App - C#
Project Description: A basic web app built using .NET Framework and C#. This web app was built to aid in preparing for sacrament meetings. It allows users to create a program for a sacrament meeting, with all the different roles one would expect in such a meeting. The program is saved in a database and can be edited at a later time. This program offers full CRUD operations in the database using Entity Framework. This was built specifically with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in mind, but could be used for any church or organization that has similar meetings.
Project Link: GitHub Repo
Project Title: Book Store API - C#
Project Description: A web API that runs Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on a MongoDB NoSQL database. I built this to learn more about creating APIs and to better understand the functions of .NET Framework.
Project Link: GitHub Repo or Software Demo Video
Project Title: iOS To-Do List App - Swift
Project Description: This is a simple iOS
productivity app that is essentially a to-do list with a spin. The
user can add items to a list and then check them off as they are
completed. Each item on the list is given a level of urgency by the
user. Based on the level of urgency, the item has a point value
attached to it. As users complete more urgent tasks first, they will
earn more points. The score is displayed at the top of the screen.
Each item on the list can be edited and more items can be add. The
items also have themes that can be changed so that users can color
code their tasks.
I built this app as a chance to learn how to program in Swift. I built
it by following a tutorial made by Apple about how to create a
different app and just made the necessary changes to create the app I
Project Outcomes:
• Implemented a unique point system to prioritize tasks by urgency,
enhancing user engagement through a gamified experience
• Enabled theme customization offering users a personalized and a
visually appealing interface
Project Link: GitHub Repo or Software Demo Video
Project Title: AWS RDS CLI Program - Python
Project Description: This was a program I made to interact with the same Among Us database that the web app program was built to work with. This program was actually written first and was my first attempt at streamlining the CRUD operations into an app. This used a database that was hosted on AWS RDS and the program worked in the users command line. I later built the web app so that I could access the database from a GUI rather than in the command line.
Project Link: GitHub Repo or Software Demo Video
Project Title: Hand-coded Web Site - HTML, CSS, JS
Project Description: This is a website that I hand-coded after getting proficient with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a mock Chamber of Commerce website built for Yakima, WA. It was built as part of an assignment for my Web Design class, but I was really proud with how it turned out. It is now hosted on GitHub Pages and can be view from the link below.
Project Link: Github Repo or Live Website